April 21, 2009

BPM & Workflow Handbook 2009

From the Table of Contents (http://www.futstrat.com/books/handbook09.php):

Michele Chinosi and Alberto Trombetta, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy

We present our contributions to business process design. Our starting point has been a thorough analysis of the OMG standard BPMN. While uncovering several of BPMN’s weak points, our analysis has brought in a novel three-phase design methodology for BPMN. Having a business processes notation and a corresponding conceptual model is not enough when dealing with the modeling of large, complex business processes. As already done in several other contexts, we provide a modeling methodology to support users design and represent business processes. Often, in real scenarios business processes are described using (more or less formalized) graphical languages and/or models. During the last few years, several efforts have been made in order to provide tools to accomplish this requirement, the more notable being WS-BPEL, XPDL, UML, BPMN. As another active line of work, there have been several attempts to provide formalization.

-- mchinosi

Our contribution in BPMN 2.0 submission

Recently the new submission version for BPMN has been published (BPMN 2.0 revised submission, April 6, 2009 version - http://www.omg.org/cgi-bin/apps/doc?bmi/09-04-01.pdf).
The contribution we gave with our research has been acknowledged as "Insubria University" in the section "The following companies provided valuable review, feedback and support", page 2.

Thank you.

-- mchinosi