June 27, 2007

My new blog

Since all my personal research gurus have a blog, I decided to open my new blog!
Here I aim to publish the results and the steps of my PhD research about BPMN, BPEL, XPDL, and so on.
I and my collegues are developing an Eclipse-based editor to design BPMN diagrams using a structured hierarchical data model as core. It's name is BPeXEd, stands for BPeX Editor.
BPeX is the name we give to our research, as for Business Process eXtensions. We aim to extend formats and specifications adding some solid (should be 'formal'?) backend. This will permit us to provide some useful feature like the validation of the Business Process Diagrams, the serialization in XML formats, the security and privacy support, some metrics, the conjugation of data objects towards a more real format (like DB or XML trees), and so on.

Please, feel free to post your comments about my/our work!
It would be appreciated!

To see more in details our projects and to read some papers about that, please visit our project page on SourceForge.

-- mchinosi

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